This Risoles is special because the filling like italian food; cheesy, creamier and have chicken ham inside. The Cheese and cream melt together in your tongue, create new sensation of its taste, mmh yummy... it's recommended for tea time, family gathering,birthday party, etc
The original name of this cake is Steam Cheese Brownies, but due to doesn't contain any chocolate (dark nor white) so i renamed with "steamed Cheese Cake" the recipe's from one of Ncc
Member is Nia Radin but i little bit modified with the recipe. so, Here's The Result ; something new, simply and acceptable in your tongue...
macaroni pie in a cupcase, it's something different with cheese inside, and shredded chicken, it's nice if it served fresh from the oven with hot cuppa coffee or tea in a rainy day,.......hmmm
finally,.. after browsing through a few of the ncc members blogs, i was eager to realize my sugar paste project. i used chocolate moist cake as the base of my creation. thanks to all ncc members.
Welcome to dapur sunshine, it's about food; cooking and baking activity. It's a joy to share my photos about food and some recipes so it can give ideas to the viewer.